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Project description:

Climate change and COVID-19 are disrupting Latin American agricultural systems as value chains have been upended, driving producers into unsustainable production. Through an improved enabling environment for EbA, the project will transform three million hectars of agricultural land into regenerative landscapes that benefit climate, biodiversity, productivity and producers. The project will increase knowledge of EbA agriculture and green recovery, including analyses of their barriers and successes, while also strengthening regulatory frameworks which promote EbA and eliminating disincentives. The project will develop 13 business models with climate and agricultural data and will implement at least 5 financial instruments/financial risk transfer solutions to enable EbA finance and investment. More then 7000 producers will adopt these approaches and a multi-stakeholder platform will facilitate public-private- community coordination and promote rapid scaling of adoption.

Project data:

Countries: Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru
IKI funding: 19,570,227.00 €
Included preparation phase: 431,096.00 €
Duration: 06/2022 till 05/2028
Status: open
Implementing organisation: The Nature Conservancy (TNC) – International
Political Partner: Ministry of Environment (MINAM) – Peru; Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADES) – Paraguay; Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADS) – Colombia; Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development – Argentina; The Ministry of Environment of Ecuador (MAE)
Implementing Partner: Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH (UFZ); Nestlé S.A.; United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

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