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Project description:

The project helps countries to comply with their Paris Agreement
commitments, to build institutional and technical resources and skills through technical and financial assistance for climate change mitigation, and to develop the global knowledge exchange and peer-to-peer learning for leadership and awareness raising. Policy and financing options for the implementation and mainstreaming of LEDS and mitigation activities are identified, and opportunities, costs, barriers, and risks involved in NDC solutions analysed. Countries are given specific advice on their Partnership Plans drawn up through the NDC Partnership and its Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP) and on the support needs identified therein, to generate impacts and learning, and the project responds directly to government requests. The project ensures that NDC implementation becomes the driving force for sustainable development, advances gender equality, the transition to carbon-free economies, and the achievement of the SDGs.

Project data:

Countries: Argentina, Bhutan, Chile, Colombia, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Costa Rica, Ivory Coast, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Laos, Lebanon, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Príncipe, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, Vanuatu, Viet Nam, Zambia
IKI funding: 44,000,000.00 €
Duration: 01/2017 till 12/2023

Status: open
Implementing organisation: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Political Partner: Diverse climate change relevant institutions in the respective partner countries/Diverse klimarelevante Institutionen in den entsprechenden Partnerländern

State of implementation:
  • At present, with IKI funding the Programme directly supports enhancement and/or
    implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in 37 countries, of which 33 have already submitted updated or interim NDCs (Argentina, Bhutan, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Lao PDR, Lebanon, Mali, Marshall Islands (resubmission), Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda (interim), Vanuatu, Viet Nam, and Zambia). This work has included more ambitious targets underpinned by the development of financing strategies and implementation plans, drafting of climate legislation, strengthening of reporting and transparency systems, and sectoral analyses to identify and address barriers.
  • Country Project Profiles can be assessed at…
    Climate Governance:
  • Climate Legislation drafted in: Chile (Climate Change Law); Morocco (Decree); Costa Rica (Presidential Decree).
  • Climate Budget Tagging in: Chile (…), Kenya, Rwanda.
  • Climate Change and Green Growth Budget Reporting in Viet Nam.
  • Regulatory due diligence (waste): Kenya.
  • National climate committees strengthened in: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, DRC, Ecuador, Mongolia, Peru.
  • NDC mainstreaming in: Nigeria, Rwanda.
    NDC Planning:
  • NDC Roadmaps produced in: Ghana, Vanuatu (…), Colombia (incl.sectoral guidelines), Kazakhstan (adaptation), Peru, Philippines, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia.
  • Long-Term Strategy (LTS) developed in: Colombia, Costa Rica, Kenya, Lao PDR (circular economy), Lebanon, Nepal.
  • Sectoral plans/assessments in: Colombia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Vanuatu
  • Territorial climate plans in: Argentina, Cote d’Ivoire, Peru.
  • Green jobs studied in: Nigeria (…).
    Climate Transparency:
  • Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) systems developed/enhanced in: Costa Rica (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU), finance, co-benefits), Ecuador (energy), Chile, Colombia, Ghana, Guatemala (marine coastal zones), Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Nigeria, Philippines, Peru, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Vanuatu (Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs)), Viet Nam, Zambia.
  • Integrated MRV (NDC, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), finance) in: Vanuatu (…), Uganda, Lebanon (…), Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Training conducted in: Chile, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Uganda.
    NDC Implementation:
  • NDC Actions in: Lao PDR (renewable energy site assessment and installation), Vanuatu (mini-
    grid feasibility study and installation), Bhutan (waste), Kazakhstan, Morocco (5 feasibility studies), Uganda (micro grants) (undp-climate.exposure.coc76fb0acdeb05644728a5fbe5ec045c7).

Climate Finance:

  • NDC Investment Plan supported in Costa Rica, Ghana (…), Kenya (…), Nigeria, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago
  • Sector Investment analyses in: Chile, Mongolia, Morocco, Thailand.
  • Gender-responsive green portfolio: Costa Rica.
  • Cost of Climate Inaction in: Chile.
  • Fund mechanisms supported in: Congo Basin (…), Ghana, Kenya, Indonesia (…).
  • Risk assessments carried out in: Lebanon, Nigeria, Peru, Rwanda.
  • Climate Change Fiscal Framework: Indonesia.
  • Programme contributed to green bonds training course (…).
    Private Sector Involvement:
  • Carbon footprint platforms developed and strengthened in: Chile, Colombia, Lebanon, Panama, Peru (…), Viet Nam. General document on Latin America:…
  • Trainings delivered in: Ghana, Viet Nam, Lebanon, Morocco, Nigeria, Uganda
  • Business Case for Private Sector Engagement developed in Uganda (…).
  • Private Sector Engagement and Coordination Framework developed in: Kenya
  • Zero Deforestation Agreements fostered in: Colombia.
  • Business round tables organised in: Chile (mining), Ecuador, Lao PDR, Indonesia, Morocco, Nigeria (…), Peru, Sao Tome and Principe, Viet Nam(…).
  • Investment potential assessments carried out: Cote d’Ivoire (…), Ecuador, Ghana (…), Kenya (…), Philippines (…), Thailand, Tunisia (…), Uganda (…).
    Gender Mainstreaming:
  • Gender Mainstreaming into the climate governance process underway in: Bhutan, Chile, Colombia, Cote d’Ivoire, Ecuador, Ghana, Kenya, Lebanon, Philippines, Uganda, Zambia.
  • In-depth Gender Analyses completed in: Bhutan (…), Chile, Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire (…), Ecuador, Ghana (…), Guatemala, Kenya (…), Lebanon, Trinidad and Tobago (…), Uganda.
  • Gender-responsive governance in: Bhutan (climate policy), Chile (law and tourism adaptation plan), Ghana (energy policy), Marshall Islands (National Adaptation Plan), Philippines (NDC Roadmaps).
  • Gender and climate action plans in development in: Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Philippines, Tunisia.
  • Training conducted in: Bhutan, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador (…), Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda.
  • Publications on Gender Responsive Indicators (…) and Gender Analysis and NDCs (…).
  • To further support the mainstreaming of gender into the revision process, the programme developed a “Gender Checklist” to help incorporate gender equality and women’s empowerment in the NDC update and revision process (…).

Youth engagement:

  • Pakistan surveyed nearly 9,000 youth on climate change (…).
  • Indonesia supported 100 youth on one-month policy workshop.
  • School learning programme in Marshall Islands.
  • African youth masterclass training through Morocco’s Climate Change Competence Center 4C.
  • Youth4Climate Learning Hub launched in Viet Nam.
    NDC Regional Dialogues and Global Conference:
  • Hosted 22 Regional Technical Dialogues on NDCs with engagement of 2,200 participants from over 150 developing countries.
  • Co-organised the NDC Global Conference 2019 (, bringing together 350 participants from over 80 countries.
  • Contributed to 3 Regional Climate Weeks (RCWs) for Latin America/Caribbean, Asia/ Pacific, and Africa with over 12,000 registered participants from 152 countries.
  • Programme staff led UNDP collaboration with the UNFCCC on an NDC Outlook Report in 2019: “The Heat Is On” ( An updated report, “The State of Climate Ambition”, published in 2021, has been downloaded over 2,000 times (…).
  • In 2020, Programme staff contributed substantively to the UNDP flagship report: 20 Insights on NDCs in 2020 (…).
  • A Quality Assurance Checklist for Long-Term Low GHG Emission Development Strategies was produced in 2021 (…).
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