Project description:

The municipalities, Soacha and La Ceja, are experiencing an accelerated urban growth due to their proximity to two metropolises, Bogotá and Medellín. Moreover, the average temperature and precipitation are expected to increase in the coming years. Both municipalities are therefore facing serious challenges related to air quality, flooding or degradation of ecosystems. The IKI Small Grants project aims to strengthen climate resilience in Colombian cities by integrating Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in urban planning. NBS are understood as a multifunctional strategy for Colombian cities to meet the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and urban habitat. The project aims to support the mayor’s office and the community of both cities in urban planning through an integration of NBS. It adjusts and applies a scientific conceptual framework and supports the design and the implementation of at least one NBS in each municipality in collaboration with the local mayors.

State of implementation/results:

  • Organisation of an international NBS-event with university experts, landscape architects and Colombian governmental entities, in which 60 people were trained in the concepts of NBS and its implementation.
  • Organisation of workshops with local stakeholders to identify suitable adaptation measures in the municipalities La Ceja and Soacha; Preparation of a map indicating priority areas of Nature-Based Solutions in La Ceja.
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