On July 25, 2024, the 5th Annual IKI Colombia Interface Event was held, attended by more than 85 people, including 24 IKI projects and 18 different implementing organizations from Colombia, as well as representatives of the German and Colombian governments.
The main objectives of the event were:
- Create a space for the presentation of current issues in the field of climate change, biodiversity and energy with a focus on gender.
- Strengthen the networking of IKI projects in Colombia with counterpart ministries and IKI Germany.
- Foster the exchange between IKI projects in Colombia and identify possible synergies.
- Promote the creation of thematic tables on topics of interest to the network with the establishment of knowledge products.

Event dynamics
The workshop was divided into two main parts. During the first part, in a hybrid format, current priorities of the Colombian government and IKI Germany were presented. In this context, the exchange between the national level and the implementers was strengthened, sharing successes and challenges in the implementation of the projects.
The afternoon session was held in a face-to-face format in Bogota. Experiences and lessons learned were exchanged among the IKI projects implemented in Colombia. On this occasion, thematic tables and networking spaces were created to identify possible synergies.
To relive the workshop, click on the links below: