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Foto 1: © GIZ / James Ochweri; Foto 2: © Marcela Rodriguez; Foto 3: © GIZ / Andrés Verdezoto.

Project description

The project supports Colombia in the implementation of its climate (mitigation and adaptation), just en-ergy transition and biodiversity targets, addressing the country’s strategy for Nationally Determined Con-tribution (NDC) implementation, long-term de-carbonization strategy, Climate Action law, National Biodi-versity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) and strategy for SDG implementation. To achieve this, the pro-ject will adopt a gender-responsive approach, which recognizes the unequal roles, relationships, and norms between men and women and actively seeks to combat them.

The project seeks to achieve the following outcomes in the coordinated implementation of Colombia's climate, biodiversity and energy goals with a gender focus. Within its first output, the project strengthens enabling mechanisms for the implementation of climate goals and Just Energy Transition. Secondly, it promotes low-carbon, climate-resilient operations in the industry and mining-energy sectors, also addressing sustainable biodiversity management. As a third result, it strengthens enabling conditions for Colombia's biodiversity targets in coherence with the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). Finally, within a fourth output, the project supports high-level political dialogue within the framework of the Colombian-German Climate and Just Energy Transition Partnership and promotes knowledge sharing and networking to support Colombia's cooperation with Germany, international partners and among IKI projects.

State of implementation/results:

The project is in the starting phase.

Project Data
  • Country: Colombia
  • IKI funding: 11.500.000,00 €
  • Duration: 11/2023 hasta 10/2028
  • Status: open
  • Implementing organization: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
  • Political Partner: Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MinAmbiente), Ministry of Mines and Energy (MinEnergía), Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (MinComercio), Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) and the National Planning Department (DNP)
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