Project Description:

To limit global warming to 1.5°C, greenhouse gas emissions must be significantly reduced. This inevitable requires a shift away from fossil fuels, such as oil, natural gas or coal. Green hydrogen produced from renewable energies plays a key role to decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors, such as the chemical or metal industry. The project advises partner countries on the use of green hydrogen to decarbonise and diversify their economies. Advisory services and dialogue formats carried out by H2-diplo offices in Angola, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Colombia, Nigeria, Saudi-Arabia and the Ukraine, support the development of climate-neutral value chains. In addition, H2-diplo addresses geopolitical questions of the international market ramp-up of green hydrogen, such as shifting power relations on the way to a climate-neutral global economy. 

The H2-diplo programme is financed by the Federal Foreign Office (AA) with funds from the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and implemented by the German Development Cooperation (GIZ). In Colombia, it is implemented together with partners from the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MinEnergia), Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (MinCIT) and the National Planning Department (DNP) with the objective of strengthening Colombia in the use of green hydrogen and its derivatives for the decarbonisation and diversification of its economy with climate-neutral value chains.

El programa H2-diplo está financiado por el Ministerio Federal de Asuntos Exteriores (AA) con fondos de la Iniciativa Internacional sobre el Clima (IKI) e implementado por la Cooperación Alemana al Desarrollo (GIZ). En Colombia, se implementa junto con socios del Ministerio de Minas y Energía (MinEnergía), Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo (MinCIT) y el Departamento Nacional de Planeación (DNP) con el objetivo de fortalecer a Colombia en el uso del hidrógeno verde y sus derivados para la descarbonización y diversificación de su economía con cadenas de valor climáticamente neutras.

Implementation status

The inauguration of the first H2-diplo office in the region took place on 5 June in Bogotá in the framework of the 1st German-Colombian Symposium on Green Hydrogen and Decarbonisation.