Project description:

Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) to the impacts of climate change and the
integration of climate risks are increasingly forming a central and integral part of planning and implementation processes at local, national and international level. The Global Project Mainstreaming EbA is actively supporting this development whilst offering support for knowledge transfer. Apart from ensuring the exchange of domain expertise on concepts, methods, instruments and success criteria for Ecosystem-based Adaptation strategies, there is also a clear focus on working with partners to develop and disseminate pragmatic solutions. Project partners include the UN and other international organisations and ministries, as well as a number of private enterprises from sectors such as tourism, insurance and construction. By focusing on the transfer of know-how and experience, the project is supporting a global learning and knowledge network and allowing UN negotiations to draw on empirical knowledge.

State of implementation/results:

  • 172 EbA solutions already published on the online platform’ PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet’ (70 countries, 65 organisations, 43 ecosystems). 20 case studies published in ‘Solutions in Focus – Key Themes for Ecosystem-based Adaptation’.
  • Factsheets on the support potential of PANORAMA for new global biodiversity frameworks have been prepared.
  • A three-part seminar series on M&E for EbA conducted in English and Spanish.
  • E-learning course on EbA at policy and project implementation level nearly completed; six content modules with case studies, reading material and short exam sessions; four more compulsory modules on cross-cutting issues; three units on mainstreaming EbA in sectors.
  • M&E Guidebook available in Portuguese on the website.
  • Collaboration with the global project ‘Climate Services for Infrastructure Investments’ (CSI) on integrating EbA into a climate proofing e-learning course. EbA is integrated into the online training.
  • Climate Justice was set as an agenda item at both the 6th CoP WS and the 8th Knowledge Day.
  • Preparation of the 7th CoP workshop on 23/24.11.2022 as a hybrid event.