Project description:
Carbon markets are a cost-effective way to mitigate emissions of
greenhouse gases. The Partnership for Market Implementation (PMI) aims to
support partner countries in designing and implementing carbon pricing instruments
that meet their national needs and development priorities. To this end, the project
supports partner countries in raising their ambitions in line with their mitigation
potential. It promotes the development of capacities, infrastructures and policy and
regulatory frameworks for the establishment of carbon pricing instruments. In
addition, a platform is provided for technical discussions and information exchange
on carbon pricing and other mitigation policy instruments.
State of implementation/results:
- The PMR is established as a central platform for supporting national mitigation
efforts through the use of carbon pricing instruments; the Partnership Assembly meetings occurring twice a year as well as various workshops and e-courses have been particularly helpful for the South-South-exchange. - So far 19 countries have been approved to receive funding to the amount of 127 mio. USD for implementing measures. In addition, Germany, California, Kazakhstan and Quebec also contribute important experience in emissions trading as technical partners.
- With support of the PMR currently 17 final Market Readiness Proposals (MRPs) have been endorsed by implementing countries that build on comprehensive analysis and stakeholder consultation processes and thus represent the cornerstone to implement carbon pricing instruments.
- A number of countries are currently planning to implement their MRPs. In addition, the PMR is assisting particularly proactive and advanced countries in developing different GHG mitigation scenarios post-2020 to better analyse their impact on other policies and specific economic sectors.
- From June 2021, the PMR will be continued by the PMI.