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Project description:

The swamps of the Magdalena River are habitats for many species of birds, fish, and mammals. They regulate the hydrological cycle, control flooding, and form biological corridors. However, they are subject to an accelerated process of environmental degradation. Among others, the Antillean manatee, one of the mammals in the area, is threatened with extinction. The IKI Small Grants project aims to raise awareness, educate, and work with artisan farmers in the region to ecologically restore the El Tigre and El Totumo swamps. It wants to reduce the degradation and loss of connectivity between the manatee, jaguar and puma biological corridors, by implementing ecosystem clean-up days and conducting outreach and environmental education. The project aims to restore and/or maintain aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, promote the welfare and survival of local wildlife, and improve communal water management.
El proyecto de IKI Small Grants tiene como objetivo sensibilizar, educar y colaborar con los campesinos locales para restaurar los pantanos de El Tigre y El Totumo de manera ecológica y sostenible. A través de “ecosystem clean-up-days” y campañas de divulgación y educación ambiental, el proyecto busca reducir la degradación y la perdida de conectividad de los corredores biológicos del manatí, el jaguar y el puma. El proyecto pretende restaurar y/o conservar los ecosistemas acuáticos y terrestres, promover el bienestar y la supervivencia de la flora y fauna y mejorar la gestión de los recursos hídricos en las comunidades.

Project Data


Countries: Colombia
IKI Funding: 209.964
Duration: 09/21 to 12/22
Organización implementadora: Fundación Con Vida (

State of implementation/results:


Cleaning and maintenance of 4.3 kilometres of water ways and wetlands; Building of 2 biodigester bales with a storage capacity of 27 cubic meters of organic material; 80 different species of birds identified in the ecosystem; Training of 3 communities


Más información:

Recovery of Wetlands in San Miguel del Tigre Colombia



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