Project description:

Latin America and the Caribbean are particularly affected by the consequences
of climate change. The project supports the delegations of the Independent Alliance of Latin America and the Caribbean (AILAC) during and between climate negotiations, by providing technical advice and carrying out logistical tasks. To this end, it is setting up a reliable and efficient structure for the delegations that analyses and prepares complex issues, develops negotiation strategies, establishes effective communication structures and offers negotiation training courses. This will improve the ability of the AILAC negotiators to develop strong positions on complex issues and bring them to the negotiations in a strategic manner. In this way, the AILAC is actively contributing to the development of ambitious mechanisms for climate protection and adaptation to the consequences of climate change within the framework of the negotiations under the UNFCCC.

State of implementation/result:

  • Expert support and advisory structure for AILAC group set up with a focus on strategic issues of the multilateral climate agenda including Markets and Transparency, Climate Finance, Adaptation and Loss and Damage and Ambition and Legal Architecture under the Paris Agreement.
  • 83 official submissions for United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process prepared or reviewed by the AILAC support unit and submitted to the UNFCCC to date.
  • 783 technical analysis of submissions and proposals of other parties to date.
  • Training of 1201 delegates of AILAC countries in negotiation skills and technical issues including ambition, climate finance, markets, transparency and adaptation.
  • All AILAC countries – Chile, Peru, Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, Honduras, Paraguay and Guatemala – submitted their updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the Secretariat of the UNFCCC. The revised NDCs of these AILAC countries resulted in a significant enhancement of their level of ambition, marking emission reduction targets for 2030 that are consistent with the necessary trajectories for a Carbon Neutrality target by 2050.
  • AILAC organized in April 2022 the "Webinar on the preparation of the first Biennial Transparency Report and the completion of the common tabular forms". This online seminar was organized with the purpose of providing in-country teams with further understanding of the definitions for each category of information in the adopted formats under the CMA4 (Glasgow) decisions, including mock completing these with information from real projects in the AILAC countries to enhance capacity of the transparency teams in the AILAC countries, with a view to supporting the preparation of their first Biennial Transparency Reports. 56 technical experts from the region participated.
  • In August 2022, AILAC organized the “Webinar on Innovative Financial Instruments: Debt Swaps, Guarantees and Green Taxonomy“. The objective of this event was to provide a space for dialogue to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of some of the tools that are already being used by AILAC countries, particularly debt swaps, guarantees and green taxonomies, using concrete examples of the work of these countries to strengthen their climate finance ecosystem. 63 experts from AILAC countries involved in the management and administration of international climate finance participated.