Project description:
Rising temperatures, growing populations and increasing prosperity are
increasing the global demand for cooling. At the same time, conventional cooling
technologies lead to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and damage to the ozone layer. The project strengthens key actors in public and private sector institutions in the partner countries to make their refrigeration and air conditioning sector sustainable and to achieve their goals within the framework of multilateral agreements such as the Montreal Protocol. In concrete terms, the project supports the implementation of regionally adapted sustainable sector strategies and effectively introduces the issue of sustainable cooling into the national climate discourse. It also makes financing instruments for green cooling technologies more widely available and establishes a training system for refrigeration and air conditioning technicians.
State of implementation/results:
- A first training for RAC (refrigeration and air conditioning) technicans was conducted in Kenia. The training was covered by the TV network “Deutsche Welle” (Green cooling technology with a smaller carbon footprint | Eco Africa | DW | 4th March 2022). The session refreshed knowledge on natural refrigerants and focused on specific challenges women encounter in Kenia’s RAC sector.
- In Colombia, 25 trainers were trained in the safe use of the natural refrigerant CO2 as part of a “Training of Trainers” programme(…).
- At regional level, a two-day training on Green Cooling took place for nine new staff members of Mexico’s Ozone Protection Unit (GCI network member). (18th & 21st February 2022).
- The project co-financed the production of various Proklima “Cool Training” training videos within.