Project description:

The partner countries have signed the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and NBSAP have already been drawn up. INTERACT-Bio supports them in establishing the management of biodiversity and ecosystems as a cross- sectional task and as the joint responsibility of national, regional and local authorities. Particularly at the local level, any existing biodiversity potential and its value is identified in selected urban regions, and the possibilities for nature-based solutions are presented by means of pilot projects, thus facilitating and intensifying the implementation of the NBSAP. The information gained flows into the development of sub-national BSAP, while cooperation with regional and local stakeholders is initiated through dialogue processes at the national level. In this way, the project promotes exemplary action in the forthcoming review of the NBSAP. Experiences are published globally and made available to the CBD contracting parties for their NBSAP revisions.

State of implementation/results:

  • As of March 2022, 211 cities in 61 countries have joined the biodiversity-platform „CitiesWithNature“.
  • All INTERACT-Bio cities receive direct support from the local project-teams in the development of profiles and in the usage of the Nature Pathways.
  • The project informs on a regular basis about current activities via its Newsletter “CitiesWithNature BUZZ” (…). CitiesWithNature, one of the central project results, was presented at the Cities Pavilion at COP 26 in Glasgow.
  • The INTERACT-Bio-Project Nyerere Square Outreach was listed by the Guardian as one of the 10 greatest city projects for nature ((…).