Project description:
The participation of stakeholders from civil society in defining more ambitious NDCs is necessary to improve strategies and to implement them in a transparent and participatory way. However, these stakeholders usually lack the resources to influence the implementation and improvement of NDCs. The project strengthens the stakeholders’ capacity to articulate and introduce their climate policy demands in the NDC implementation process. In the partner countries, the project supports selected organisations and groups to participate in climate mitigation plans, the drafting of climate- relevant laws for NDC implementation, and the discussion on ambitious climate policy. The project also wants to lay the foundations for the regular and systematic engagement of civil society in climate policy issues in the partner countries and to institutionalise the dialogue between decision-makers and other stakeholders.
State of implementation/results
- BUND, Censat and Ecoaction organized together with the Friedrich-Ebert-
Foundation a workshop entitled “People's voices in national climate policies – good practices for meaningful civil society engagement” as part of the People's Summit for Climate Justice at COP26. - June 2021: Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland – Friends of the Earth Germany (BUND) publishes the explanatory video "Civil Society Engagement for Ambitious Climate Action"…
- June 2021 the BUND and the Independent Institute for Environmental Issues (UfU) organize the five-day digital conference "5 for the Climate":…
- In December 2021, GMG published the guidelines for evaluating the level of
ambition of climate plans such as the NDC. - With GMG’s organizational support, the Climate Dialogues meeting took place on October 20, 2021 under the motto “How the EECCA region can deal with the climate storm”.
- At the end of September 2021, The Greens Movement of Georgia (GMG) held the annual Climate Week, which focused nationwide attention on the topic of climate protection
- On September 23, 2021, GMG in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation hosted the “European Green Deal and Georgia” conference.
- On December 10th and 11th, 2021, Censat organized the event “Convite de las
Alternativas – por el cuidado de la vida”, which was attended by 83 people from
different regions of the country. - The network “Voces por el Clima” held a workshop in the run-up to COP26 entitled “Por decisiones climáticas justas y participativas” (For fair and participatory climate decisions), which was attended by representatives of civil society organizations as well as employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Environment
- The alliance “Colombia libre de Fracking” leads the successful anti-fracking campaign “Agua Piloto” (in Spanish). The campaign helped bring a new draft law banning fracking to parliament in August 2021.
- June 2021: The network “Voces por el Clima” published a comprehensive statement on the draft of an energy transition law (“proyecto de ley No. 365”):… 2021-camara-por-medio-de-la-cual-se-dictan-disposiciones- para-la-transicion-en / (in Spanish)
- In February 2022, Ecoaction published a guideline for local civil society organizations on how to initiate effective climate discourse with local decision-makers.
- In November 2021, the analysis of the climate and energy plan was published by the city of Khmelnytsky.
- In December 2021, Ecoaction, in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, published the study "Carbon pricing in Ukraine and the practice of using CO2 tax revenues “– In mid-September 2021, the subnational organization Ecosense organized a hybrid event “Sustainable Energy Development and Climate Conservation: the Experience of European and Ukrainian Cities ” on behalf of Ecoaction.