Dialogues on a just transition with civil society in fossil fuel and mining areas

Dialogues on a just transition with civil society in fossil fuel and mining areas

Participants in the Barrancabermeja Workshop – NDC 3.0 update process developed with communities in hydrocarbon production areas © Interface Project / GIZ Colombia The climate crisis represents one of the most urgent challenges of our time, requiring concrete and coordinated actions at both global and local levels. In this context, the active participation of local…

Documentation of the IKI Cafecito ‘The Key Role of Women in Climate Change and Biodiversity’

Documentation of the IKI Cafecito ‘The Key Role of Women in Climate Change and Biodiversity’

As part of the IKI Cafecito, the Interface project facilitates dialogue between IKI projects implemented in Colombia, focusing on a specific topic of interest to strengthen exchange within the network. The most recent IKI Cafecito, titled ‘The Key Role of Women in Climate Change and Biodiversity,’ took place on December 3, 2024, in Bogotá. The…

Women’s leadership in climate action and agrobiodiversity in Guajira and the Chingaza and Sumapaz paramos.

Women’s leadership in climate action and agrobiodiversity in Guajira and the Chingaza and Sumapaz paramos.

The Support for Scaling Up Climate Ambition in Land Use and Agriculture through NDCs and National Adaptation Plans (SCALA) program of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) released two videos that reflect key results on gender issues. Through two initiatives, it has contributed to strengthening the role and leadership of women and their local communities in…

H2-diplo Colombia present internationally

H2-diplo Colombia present internationally

During the month of September 2024, the LAC H2 Summit was held in Cartagena, with the participation of 500 key regional and international stakeholders of the hydrogen ecosystem. It was organized by LAC Clean Hydrogen Action and the Ministry of Mines and Energy with the support of the GIZ programmes H2Uppp (International Market Ramp-Up) and…

Entities and private sector in the territory contribute to update Colombia’s NDC 3.0

Entities and private sector in the territory contribute to update Colombia’s NDC 3.0

During 2024, 5 subnational workshops were held as part of the NDC 3.0 update process. The workshops took place in Medellín and Bogotá (August 2024), Barranquilla (September 2024), Yopal (October 2024), and Cali (November 2024) and were attended by 350 people from the subnational level (governors, mayors, environmental authorities, among others). The main objective of…

SolNatura call for proposals: co-funding for projects that boost climate resilience and conservation in Colombia

SolNatura call for proposals: co-funding for projects that boost climate resilience and conservation in Colombia

As part of the SolNatura project, commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of the Environment (BMUV) through the International Climate Protection Initiative (IKI), the call for proposals is now open to co-finance 24 Nature-based Solutions (NBS) projects in the departments of Córdoba, Huila and Santander. These projects seek not only to reduce greenhouse gas emissions…

Integration of the Gender Approach in the update of Colombia’s Biodiversity Action Plan

Integration of the Gender Approach in the update of Colombia’s Biodiversity Action Plan

Learn more about this constructive and participatory process to include the proposals of women in their diversity for the update of Colombia’s Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP). Resources: Summary Document: Integration of the Gender Approach in the update of Colombia’s Biodiversity Action Plan – Regional dialogues with rural women leaders. Summary infographics: Infographics with key information…

Monitoreando Ando: Participatory Dialogues on Climate Change and Biodiversity Monitoring

Monitoreando Ando: Participatory Dialogues on Climate Change and Biodiversity Monitoring

Colombia moves forward in the fight against climate change and biodiversity protection with “Monitoring in Action”, a series of 3 participatory inter-institutional dialogues to prioritize actions that contribute to improving monitoring systems through international cooperation processes. These workshops, held in September 2024, brought together representatives from government entities such as the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology…

Documentation of the 5th Annual IKI Colombia Interface Event ‘Raising the ambition of impact from national strategies to implementation in the territories’

Documentation of the 5th Annual IKI Colombia Interface Event ‘Raising the ambition of impact from national strategies to implementation in the territories’

On July 25, 2024, the 5th Annual IKI Colombia Interface Event was held, attended by more than 85 people, including 24 IKI projects and 18 different implementing organizations from Colombia, as well as representatives of the German and Colombian governments.   The main objectives of the event were: Event dynamics The workshop was divided into…

Documentation of the IKI Cafecito ‘On our way to COP 30: Linkages between climate change and biodiversity’

Documentation of the IKI Cafecito ‘On our way to COP 30: Linkages between climate change and biodiversity’

Within the framework of the IKI Cafecito, the Interface project facilitates dialogue between IKI projects implemented in Colombia, focusing on a specific topic of interest to strengthen the exchange within the network. The most recent IKI Cafecito, entitled ‘On our way to COP 30: Linkages between climate change and biodiversity’, took place on July 26,…