Colombia moves forward in the fight against climate change and biodiversity protection with “Monitoring in Action”, a series of 3 participatory inter-institutional dialogues to prioritize actions that contribute to improving monitoring systems through international cooperation processes.
These workshops, held in September 2024, brought together representatives from government entities such as the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM), the National Planning Department (DNP), the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MinAmbiente), the National Environmental Licensing Authority (ANLA), the National Disaster Risk Management Unit (UNGRD), and the Alexander von Humboldt Institute (IAVH), along with experts from various projects implemented by GIZ, with a common objective: to identify and optimize opportunities for joint work between national monitoring systems for climate change and biodiversity.

These events were developed as a result of collaboration between the projects “Promoting Nature-Based Solutions (SolNatura)” and the “INTERFAZ Project”. Both projects are part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and aim to strengthen Colombia’s capacity to meet its climate and biodiversity commitments.
The dialogues focused on crucial topics such as:
- Interoperability between monitoring systems
- Projections of evolutionary needs of the systems
- Opportunities for joint work between different systems
- Strategies to optimize national reports (BTR, NDC, etc)
One of the biggest achievements was conducting a diagnostic of the current state of environmental monitoring systems in Colombia. The initiative also established an articulated vision of technical cooperation offered by GIZ projects, created joint work agendas between entities and systems, and developed a participatory construction methodology that can be replicated at sectoral and territorial levels, thus expanding the initiative’s impact.
By conducting these participatory dialogues, Colombia advances in the commitment for the effective implementation of its climate and biodiversity goals.
To leran more about this process, click on the following resources