In the framework of the Program “Supporting Readiness for Cooperation under Article 6 (SPAR6C)”, funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Government of Germany to support Colombia in the development of its institutional, regulatory and technical framework for Article 6 (A6) transactions under the Paris Agreement, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) published the report of the Readiness and Needs Assessment for Article 6 in Colombia. This document is the result of an exhaustive analysis detailing the findings and recommendations that will strengthen the country’s capacity to participate in the international carbon markets created by this mechanism.
The assessment addresses different topics, identifying for each of them the current state of implementation and the needs for the country to successfully implement the A6: I) General country requirements for participation in the A6, II) Colombia’s NDC and Strategy 2050 and its relationship with the A6, III) Activity of carbon markets in Colombia, IV) Activity cycle, MRV and accounting for carbon markets and A6, V) Social and environmental safeguards for carbon markets, and VI) Readiness of sectors for the carbon market in Colombia under the A6.
Asimismo, el Programa ha avanzado en diferentes componentes de apoyo institucional para la implementación del Artículo 6 en el país, destacando:
- Segundo Evento Anual SPAR6C: with more than 70 attendees, focused on the A6 Strategy, sector selection and the A6.4 Mechanism. The SPAR6C Guidelines 2, 3 and 5 were presented and a sector prioritization exercise was presented. The game “A la 1, a las 2 y al Artículo 6”, generated ideas and questions on the selection of eligible sectors for A6.
- Análisis del Artículo 6 en sector energía y restauración: Se realizaron grupos focales con el sector privado, la industria y las partes interesadas de la cooperación internacional sobre hidrógeno y restauración forestal para explorar y su viabilidad dentro del A6.
- Transition of CDM projects to Article 6.4 activities: A report was prepared on eligibility criteria and procedures for transition according to UNFCCC rules, with a step-by-step guide for transition to Article 6.4.
- Comunidad de práctica (COP-ASIC Colombia): El programa busca promover una nueva generación de expertos en mercado de carbono en los países SPAR6C (Colombia, Pakistán, Tailandia y Zambia). En Colombia, participa un grupo de 20 profesores de 9 universidades involucradas en una agenda de investigación y conocimiento sobre la aplicación del artículo 6. También se tiene un Programa de Mentoría de Investigación (RMP) diseñado para facilitar el acceso de estudiantes de posgrado a carreras relacionadas con los mercados de carbono y la mitigación del cambio climático.
Watch the webinar about the published report:
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